Aroorooroo! I yam back, efurrydoggy! Did you miss me? I'm gonna try to blog more often, cuz Gamma and Ont Merry and Daddy keep sayin' I should, but it's so hard fur me to sit still!
Furst thing I gotta tell you is that there are more than four people living in our house now. There's Daddy, and Mom, and my kitty brudder, Zaphod Beeblebrox. But then Mom and Daddy went to visit Ont Merry one day and came home with THIS:His name is Nero. Mom named him that because it's the It-al-yan werd fur black. But doan let that little kitty face fool you -- Nero finks he's an emperor. He came to live with us in September and at first hated efurrybody (even Mom -- how can anyfurrycritter hate MOM?!) but finally he got used to us.
And he and Zaph were furends in the beginning, but then Nero hit adull-escence and wanted to be more than furends with Zaph, iffen you nose what I mean. Ennyway, Nero went to the Pretty Lady Vet and she took his boy parts and he's all settled down now, but Zaph still hasn't furgiven him, and so Nero finks he's my new best friend. Which is okay, I guess, as long as he stays outta my spot, leaves my tail alone, and DOESN'T TOUCH MY DADDY!
But Daddy still loves me bestest. (He calls Nero "The Ne-ro-sis.")
Spring is coming and soon I'll be able to find all my tennis balls in the back OUT. The snow has been furry deep this year but Daddy has made sure I get out to play. The beaches where we live are self-cleaning because we're on the Bay of Fun-Day, which has the "highest tides inna world." I dunno what a "tide" is, but I'm furry glad the rocks doan have snow on them! (wagwagwag)Ennyway, I will be back in a coupla days wif more of my 'ventures! Woof soon!
Celebrating my Girls
8 months ago
1 comment:
Hi Piper, My name is Bane, my mummy knows your mummy. I was hoping some time this spring we could meet and be friends like our mummies, they met at physics class, I think the dog park would be better for us!! I'll get my mum to read your blog to me, take care and hope to meet you soon!!
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