On Chewsday, Daddy came home early from work. I was furry confused, but when I saw him put my water bottle in the zoom-zoom, I didn't care where we were going, because I was getting to go, too!
Turned out Mom and Daddy and I all went down to The Summer Place. Nunkle Ken had invited all of the fambly to go down to the cottage fur a family get-together.
Well, it was a big sprize, because Nunkle Andrew, Anti-Dawna and Cuzzin Anna were there too! I'd neffur met them before, because they live in Albirda, which I guess is a furry long ways away. Daddy had figured out the sprize, because he's furry smart, but Mom had no idea. (I think Mom's head is full of rughooking wool half the time and that's why.)I liked meeting the Albirda McLeans! Nunkle Stephen and Ont Lee and Daddy's sisters came, and all my hoomin cuzzins, and my doggy cuzzins Cecil and Coal were there, too, so we had a really good time together.
Or we did. Then Daddy decided to start the "swimming lessons" again. (That's Daddy Code fur trying to drown me.) He has this weird obsession with water and making me swim.Well, I don't need lessons -- I can swim, as I showed him on Chewsday. But I DON'T LIKE IT and I don't need to swim if I don't go in above my tummy. Daddy will just have to learn to fetch his own tennis ball if he's gonna insist on throwing it in the water.
Well, after Daddy gave up on trying to drown me, I thought I was safe. That didn't last furry long at all! Further down the beach from my tennis ball was a big box-thing. I didn't pay too much attention to it because it was just sitting there, and it left the tennis ball alone, so I didn't care.
But all of a sudden Nunkle Stephen decided to climb up on it for a better look. It didn't like that at all! It started making a FURRY BIG NOISE and the water behind it started spinning and then I knew that the box-thing was really the Lake You-Toe-Pee-a Sea Monster. I started barking "RUN FUR YOUR LIVES!" but the hoomins didn't listen at all.
Next thing I knew, Daddy picked me up and put me on The Monster with the suicidal hoomins and climbed on with me! "It's a water-zoom-zoom," he splained, but he's delooshunul when it comes to water, so I didn't believe him fur a second.Nunkle Stephen wrestled the Monster and made it go way way out into the middle of the lake, and I thought fur sure that we were all gonna die. All I wanted was to see my mom and my tennis ball again. Would I be able to chew on Zaph one more time?
Well, I'm becoming a bigger fan of Nunkle Stephen all the time. He's my hero. He got us all back alive.
Once I was back on the beach and away from The Monster, Nunkle Stephen decided to punish Daddy fur all of the stress he'd put me through. Nunkle Stephen made Daddy wear some sort of special torture harness.
Well, I thought I knew Daddy pretty well, but on Chewsday I learned something I didn't know: Daddy is part-fish.The Monster decided it wasn't done, and it took off for the middle of the lake, stealing Nunkle Stephen and my cuzzins. Somehow Daddy managed to stand up on the water behind The Monster and he grabbed it by the tail and chased it. The Monster went in circles, trying to shake Daddy off, but Daddy was determined! He chased that Monster all over the lake! And then when Daddy had finally decided he'd picked on the Monster long enough, he let go of it and slid onto the beach on his feet.
My daddy is amazing.
Even if he wants to drown me.
Celebrating my Girls
8 months ago
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