Monday, February 23, 2009

I learned a new word today.

(Well, acshully, I learned a lot of really special words from Mom when she looked out the window, but I'm not 'llowed to tell you those ones.)

The new word I learned today was: BLIZZARD.

I like "blizzard". It means, first of all, that Mom stays home with me because the schools are closed. (Acshully, according to the voicebox, it sounds like everything is closed.) But the best part about "blizzard" is that it means a LOT of snow!

Daddy let me help him shovel a path to the road after he shoveled a path for me to go to my back OUT. He threw snowballs for me and I chased them, but it was furry hard because the snow was up over my head! "Blizzard" must also mean "big party in the neighbourhood", because efurryone was out shoveling all at the same time!
After Daddy went to work, Mom took me to my back OUT and we played! It was hard going, but we all know that if there's a tennis ball, I'm gonna get it!

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