Saturday, July 19, 2008

Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy ...

Get this, everydoggy! I'm going to go to puppy dog school!

I've been offishully accepted to the ARFF (Agility Runs For Fun) Novice Obedience Class for Agility! Mom and I are both very excited about this.

I already know a lot of the basic commands, and do them most of the time (as long as there isn't a new doggy coming into the Bark Park, but hey -- what's more important?). But it will be really good for both of us! Then we'll take the Advanced course, and then we'll start doing the real Agility thing. (I don't really know what that is, but some other Border Collies think it's a lot of fun, so I wanna do it too!)

It's kinda quiet around here this morning. Zaph tried to wake Mom up for his morning treats at about 4 AM, so she's not moving very fast. (Dad never moves fast in the morning, so that's normal.) But I think it's Saturday, which means that they're both home today, to give me attention, and take naps with me, and take me for walks, and drives in the car ...

But if we go anywhere near water, Daddy -- I'm outta there! (wagwagwag)

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