Thursday, July 16, 2009

Awesome Chewsday!

On Chewsday morning, I was in the OUT, minding my own business, when Mom opened the back door to let me into our den -- or so I thought! But she had my leash and harness in her hand, and my travel water bottle, and OH MY DOG she started walking towards the zoom-zoom!

Mom has a friend from when she was a little girl way back -- her name is Ont Christine (or maybe Ant Christine, because she's practically Merikan now) -- and she and Mom haven't seen each other in a furry long time. Anyway, Christine LOVES me and I love her right back!

Since Christine wanted to learn about geocaching (pawsibly the most dangerous thing to say to my mama), Mom made up a big list of caches to go get! And we had so much fun! (Even when I ated too many sticks and then drank muddy water and barfed all over the trail!)

We went a lot of places I never went before, and one thing that was really weird was this house that we took the zoom-zoom right through!

Mom says there are lots of these weird houses in New Runsquick, but this was new to me! It was furry dark in there, but just as soon as I got used to it, we were out in the sunshine again!

After the drive-through house, we stopped for lunch at a place called Mama George's. Or maybe it was George's Mama? Anyway, I didn't get to see George or Mama because it was a hoomin food place and I couldn't go in, but Mom and Christine went inside for a minute, and then came out and ated with me at a table in the OUT.

And you guessed it -- I got ice cream!

I hope we can see Ont/Ant Christine next Chewsday! We had a lot of fun together! (wagwagwag) But, oh my dog, was I tired when I got back home!

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