Friday, April 10, 2009

It was a GOOD Friday!

Oh my DOG! Today was such a wunnerful day that I don't even know where to begin! I guess I'll begin at the beginning!

First of all, it was such a surprise! Even though it's Friday, Daddy didn't get up when the alarm went off. (Mom got up, because she always does, but not Daddy.)

At first I thought he was sick, so I stayed with him instead of going into Mom's office. But he wasn't sick -- he was just sleepin' in! I was afraid he'd be late for work, so I pounced on him and stuff and made him get up. He played tug-toy with me, and then told me it was Good Friday and he didn't have to leave me today. Any day that my daddy stays with me is a Good Efurryday, I say!

Before long, Daddy went into Mom's office. Next thing I knew, Mom was getting dressed, and Daddy was brushing his fangs, and something was definitely going on. And then I saw Daddy pick up my travel water bottle. "You want to go on an Adventure?" he asked. Oh, boy -- did I!

So we got in the Car and drove fur a long time. Mom had her beepy necklace on, so I thought we were going caching. But no! We went to The Summer Place, which is really funny, because it's still winter! The lane had snow too, so we parked on the edge of the road and started walking down. Daddy said he needed to get some rocks for a cairn for Clan Maclean (which Sir Lachlan's gonna unveil or something), and alla Macleans are supposed to bring rocks from their special places.So Daddy got his rock from The Summer Place while Mom took some pitchures in the woods, and then we walked back up to the car. I smelled some deer poop and chewed on some sticks along the way, because I thought that this was the end of our adventure and I wanted to get the most out of it.
But when we got back in the car, Daddy went a different way than I thought he would! And I got serious waggy-butt at that!

Daddy said we were going to Big Beach, which is what he and Nunkle Stephen and all the other brudders and sisters called it when they were growing up. But the offishul name is "McLean's Beach", named after Daddy's Daddy and his Daddy and stuff.

It was only a short drive from The Summer Place, but we had to slow right down cuzza these:
Mom and Daddy took lotsa pictures of them and then we went exploring on the beach. Daddy wanted to get another rock fur the cairn, so I got to look around and sniff and stuff. The lake was still hard in places, but nice and wet near where we were. I wanted to go in, but Daddy said, "NO!" so I didn't. I just looked.
Then we got back in The Car, and I thought fur sure that we were done, but no! Daddy didn't take the Home Road, but instead we went to a place called Black's Harbour. It's a little village where Daddy's Daddy grew up, and it's where you get the Big Boat to Grand Manan (a place Mom says she's going to take me soon). We drove around a lot, and next thing I knew, we were at a little beach!
It was a furry special beach, because efurry time a wave came in, you could hear a little moosical tinkling sound. Mom's gonna call it "Tinkling Beach" from now on. The sound is made by all the beach glass that's along the edge of the water. Mom filled up her pockets as much as she could, and Daddy found stuff too, and I got to sniff, and go in, and all that fun stuff. And then people came and I got to say hi to them too! No wonder they call it the Bay of Fun-Day!

[Mom note: That's "Bay of Fundy", Piper.]

So when we got back in the car, I really wasn't sure where we were going, because this Big Adventure was even bigger than I'd dared to hope! And, sure enough, as we were going back along the road to home, Mom started looking at her beepy necklace, and saying the magic words: "Three hundred metres, two-seventy, slow down, two-fifty ..."

We were going fur a geocache!

We found the cache pretty quickly -- it was hidden under some logs -- and then Mom took a picture of me watching her sign the log fur both of us. By the time we got back to Daddy and the car, Mom noticed that I wasn't racing around like I usually do. In fact, I was pretty tuckered out! As soon as we started down the highway again, I laid down on My Seat to rest. (Mom couldn't believe it, so she took this pitchure with her cell phone as F-E-Dense.)
We came home and then we took a nap and then we got up. It was a wunnerful day.

I like Good Fridays. I hope tomorrow is Good Saturday! (wagwagwag)

1 comment:

Linda Scott said...

Hi Piper - set your mother's alarm next time you nap with her.