Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Funday!

Fangu, efurrybody, who asked about my Mom. She's furry sore today (says she feels like she tried to haul an 18-wheeler up a hill), but it's dull, achy hurts, not brand-new broken hurts.

Mom has tomorrow and the next day off, so maybe we can go caching then.

In the meantime, I'm just going to continue looking after Mom like I did last night. (I was worried she'd overheat when she was sleeping, so I took all the covers away and made sure she couldn't get them back!)

Daddy says that today is Rub Yer Burns Day, and that since I'm a Scottish dog (both a McLean and a Border Collie), that I have to sillybrate. I don't have any burns, though, and I really don't think rubbing burns is a good idea. (Maybe Daddy is mixed up.)

On the other paw, maybe it's really Rub Yer Belly Day. Now that's a sillybration I can really get into!

1 comment:

Raising Addie said...

We are glad to hear that you mom is doing ok!

I hope you get lots of belly rubs today!

Lots of Luv & Kisses