Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Kissmoose Summary

Hello, everydoggy! Mom has finally stepped away from the pooter long enough to let me post some pictures of our wonderdog Kissmoose! (She got Sims 2 stuff for Kissmoose and pretty much hasn't gotten out of her pooter chair since!)
Daddy was really amazed that Mom slept in until 8:30 AM. Last Kissmoose she woke up at 4 AM and then paced and paced until 7 AM. This year I was the one who had to wake them up! When I got downstairs, I was so excited to see that Santa Claws had come! Zaph was so excited, he decided to climb the tree!
Mom and Daddy got pressies too, but they weren't nearly as inneresting as mine! There was a whole bag of pressies for me and Zaph, and after Mom and Daddy emptied their big funny-looking socks, they finally got a gift out for me!

Santa Claws must not unnerstand that I don't have 'posable thumbs, because he used too much tape for me to get the opening started. Luckily Daddy loves me. (wag)
There were a lot of presents for me! Besides the T*R*E*A*T*S I got from Mom's work Secret Santa and from Grammy and Grampy, Santa brought me lotsa stuff too! I got a rawhide stick (Daddy calls it my cigar), salmon T*R*E*A*T*S that are so deliciously stinky that they make both Mom and Daddy run for cover, a sheepyskin squeaky toy, and a rawhide ring! There might be more -- it was a bare-ass-ment of riches! (They wouldn't let me steal Zaph's catnip mice, though.)
The absolute bestest thing about Kissmoose, though, is that both Mom and Daddy are home with me. We go for walks and take naps and go in the zoom-zoom, and all kinds of other good stuff.

If 2009 is even half as good as 2008 was for me, I'm going to be a very happy doggy indeed!

Happy Nude Ears, everydoggy!

1 comment:

Raising Addie said...

WOW you had the best Christmas Piper!

That bone looks yummy!

Happy New Years!
