Friday, November 21, 2008

Time with Mom

Mom has been spending all day yesterday and all day today with me! (Well, Zaph is here too, but he doesn't count.) Mom has a couple of days off because there's no school for the students, so we've been getting reacquainted.

Yesterday was truly wonderdog! We spent all day together!

First we drove out to the junkyard to get a new-ish visor for The Car (since ours fell off), and then Mom took me to the Yum-Yum store! She let me pick out my own T*R*E*A*T*S and efurrything! And I got a new hard rubber ball, too, that Mom says sounds like an amourous moose when I chomp it hard enough.

Then we napped. No one can nap like my mom. She let me snuggle right beside her and sleep with my head on her shoulder. And after our nap, we went to the Car-Fixer and I got to sit and wait with Mom, and efurryone said what a Good Girl I was.

After that, we went up to the Bark Park and I got to romp and play for almost an hour with my five-month Boxer pal named Zander. In short, yesterday rocked!

Today we've been napping a lot. Mom's getting bronk-eye-tiss, so she's been furry warm, and making lots of barking noises, but she still plays tug with me.

All is right in my world. (wagwagwag)


Joe said...

That is a great pic!

Hi Piper...nice to meet you!

Sally, George, and Albert

Raising Addie said...

Hi Piper!

Just checking in to see how you are doing. I have not seen you around and wanted to make sure you were ok.


Behr Behr said...

Sounds like you had a fun day! How nice of your mom to do all of that with you even tho she was sick.

Behr Behr :)